Thursday, January 31, 2008

farwell to january... HOORAY!

one month down, 11 to go!!! not to sound like a party pooper or anything, but i am SOOO excited to say farewell to the cold and boring month of january. never like it. probably won't ever will. but my love of february makes up for it :) here is the update for the last few weeks.

monday 1/28: today i was officially introduced to the idea of bigfoot for the first time. not that i'd never heard of him before. i'm sure i have. but thanks to my dear friend josh lohner, i really came to understand what the myth, or maybe not a myth, bigfoot is. he's been around for as long as anyone knows. he's been sighted along the coast of california and up to washington state, so that's probably where he resides. he likes women; more women have spotted him than men. oh, and he is also very shy, looks kind of like a giant ape of sorts, and is neither man, nor beast. some kind of combo of the two. i have to say after watching several videos and discussing the possibilities of his existance i've become very fasinated with this interesting creature. who knows...maybe someday i'll go on a hunt for him myself. :)

tuesday 1/29: one of you is going to get a nice laugh when i say this, but i have never used a parking meter. so today i did it. i wanted to run to they gym real quick. the free parking opens at 9 and 9:30 and it was only 8. Not wanting to wait around i just used the metered parking. the only problem: i didn't realize that no matter how many coins you put in, you can only park there for 30 minutes. so knowing me, i just kept sticking coins in until i had wasted a good weeks worth of laundry quarters before i stoped to read the sign next the the meter. ;)

wednesday 1/30: on this very uneventful day i found myself on campus for hours on end despite the fact that i have a hand injury and can't practice right now. thus all my meals were eaten there. that includes my applesauce, and of course i forgot my spoon. so i tried something new by cracking the lid open and licking it out like a little animal would. i also visited vendoland for the first time. vendoland is under the ramp connecting the two parts of the the fine arts building. it has vending machines, chairs and tables from the seventies that are completely falling apart and d.i. probably wouldn't even take that match the rest of the beautiful fine arts furnishings, and a ping pong table. it also has an odor that is like nothing your nostrils have experienced before. neat place...vendoland...

thursday 1/31: i love asian people. so naturally i love origami. but i've never made real origami before. just the little cootie catchers everyone makes in elementary school. you know what i'm talking about.. you write colors and numbers and future careers on the flaps, and then use them to tell the future to each other. that doesn't count as origami though. here is some real origami:
i have to admit it's a lot of fun. i think i might go get some real origami paper and make it my new hobby! :) p.s. that is an elephant...:)


DaNce tO ThE MuSiC said...

cailers you life sound so fun!!! i am excited to go to college!!! ahhh only like 7 months. :) i miss you like crazy!!! we need to play next time you come home. love you!!!